Summary for: AFSlice < ModelSlice
Class summary
AFSlice methods: AFSlice - is a class. Default - Common stator-rotor slice.
Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.
.AFSlice/AFSlice is a constructor.
obj = AFSlice Documentation for AFSlice/AFSlice doc AFSlice
.Default Common stator-rotor slice.
this = Default(dim, stator_class, rotor_class) initializes a slice of one stator and one rotor geometry.
Example usage: slice = RFSlice.Default(dimensions_struct, Stator, SPM1) where
dimensions_struct is the, well, dimensions struct.
Stator and
SPM1 are EMDtool classes, so you need **** not** (and should not) define any variables by those names. The corresponding geometries will then be equal to those created by
Stator(dimensions_struct) SPM1(dimensions_struct)