Summary for: Mesh < SimpleMesh

Class summary

Mesh Class for mesh objects.

Has the following properties: p = nodal coordinates as a 2xNp array t = elements as a 3xNe array edges = ordered edges as a 2xNedges array, with edges(1,k)<edges(2,k) t2e = 3xNe incidence array: listing the 3 edges belonging to each element e2t = 2xNedges incidence array: from edges to elements. Second is zero for boundary edges

(c) 2017 Antti Lehikoinen / Aalto University


.Mesh/e2t is a property.

.Mesh/edges is a property.

.Mesh/t2e is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.edge_length Edge lengths.

l = edge_length(this, edges) returns the lengths of the edges.

The array ‘edges’ can either be a 1xN arrays, containing indices to this.edges, or a 2xN array containing edge definitions.

** WARNING A straight 1-segment start-to-end approximation of the edges is used in case of higher-order curved elements

.finalize Set edge incidence, infer element type.

.get_outer_edges Get edges surrounding elements.

edge_indices = get_outer_edges(this, elements)

Given a list (1xN) of elements, the function returns the indices to edges edge_indices surrounding the elements (outer boundary only)