Summary for: RectangularLayout < WindingLayoutBase & MultiSurfaceLayout
Class summary
RectangularLayout Layout for rectangular conductors.
A Layout class for rectangular conductors. Supports both solid conductor models, and stranded models with AC loss post-processing. Only works with slot of constant width (rectangular-like). Rounded slot corners and similar often work, but no explicit checking is performed for intersections between the conductors and slot boundaries.
Supports an integer number of winding window surfaces per winding layer. The number must be equal for all layers.
The slot insulation material can be given in dim.slot_insulation_material
.conductor_columns Number of conductor columns.
The number of conductors side-by-side (perpendicular to the long axis of the slot) in each layer. Default 1.
.conductor_height Conductor height.
The class also offers experimental support for un-even conductor heights, in which case the conductor_height
must be an array, specifying the height of each row of conductors.
.conductor_width - width of individual conductor
.long_axis_bias Bias in conductor placement along long axis.
Giving a scalar value virtually shrinks the winding window surface size from the slot-opening side, resulting in the conductors being squeezed closer to each other, towards the slot opening.
If a 1x2 vector is given, the first value is used as described above. The second value is applied as a uniform shift towards the slot bottom, with no effect on the interconductor space.
If a 1x3 vector is given, the first two values are used as described above. The third value is then used to allocate extra space towards the slot bottom, in the similar fashion as the first value is used towards the slot opening.
.short_axis_bias Bias in conductor placement along short axis.
This property acts in the same way as long_axis_bias
, but along the short axis of the slot. Please note that if conductor_columns
is 1, the first and third values have no effect.
In case of double-layer windings with the layers side-by-side, the orientation of the conductor shift is flipped for the second layer. In other words, any shifts specified should work towards the slot center layer. ** NOTE: The exact direction can depend on the geometry template, meaning a positive scalar may squeeze the conductors towards the slot center in some geometries, and towards the slot walls in other. Typically, you should specify a positive value to either the first or the third element of this property to obtain the desired effect.
Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.
.RectangularLayout/OLD_create_solid_geometry is a function.
.parsing some easy stuff
.parse_conductor_corners Parse conductor placement.
coordinates = parse_conductor_corners(this, slot, circuit, varargin) parses the coordinates (lower-left corner) of each conductor.
Under default conditions, with rectangular-enough winding window surfaces, the conductors are spaced uniformly along the long and short axes of the slot, with equal spacing between the conductors and the conductors and winding window surface walls, in the respective directions.
The spacing can be further adjusted by the long_axis_bias
and long_axis_bias
The method returns an array of structures.