Summary for: HSIPM < SynRotorBase

Class summary

HSIPM High-speed IPM rotor

The HSIPM rotor template has rectangular magnets embedded within the rotor, with the long axis of each magnet perpendicular to the radial vector.

Main dimensions:

  • Rout : outer radius
  • Rin : inner radius
  • leff : effective length
  • p : number of pole-pairs

Magnet dimensions

  • h_magnet : magnet thickness
  • N_magnets : number of magnets per pole
  • w_magnet : (OPTIONAL) magnet width. If not given, magnet width is solved from the bridge and interpole bridge thickness
  • magnet_size_tolerance : (OPTIONAL) If given, an air shell is added around each magnet. The size of the shell is maintained at h_magnet x w_magnet, while the size of the actual PM material block is reduced to (h_magnet - magnet_size_tolerance) x (w_magnet x magnet_size_tolerance)
  • tolerance_box_material : (OPTIONAL) Material to be used for magnet box. Defaults to generic glue.

Bridge thicknesses:

  • w_bridge : thickness of the iron bridge between successive magnets within the same pole
  • w_bridge_out : minimum distance between magnet outer corner and rotor surface
  • w_bridge_interpole_half : Half of interpole bridge thickness. The interpole bridge is the bridge between to magnets of successive poles. Note that the parameter is half of the final bridge thickness, due to insurmountable legacy reasons.


  • rotor_core_material : rotor core material
  • magnet_material : magnet material
  • shaft_material : shaft material



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.import geometry.*