Summary for: CentrifugalStressSolution < handle

Class summary

CentrifugalStressSolution Solution of a centrifugal stress problem.

See e.g. plot_displacements and plot_von_Mises_stress.


.problem Associated CentrifugalStressProblem.

.raw_solution Raw solution array.

.rpm Corresponding rpm.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.CentrifugalStressSolution Solution of a centrifugal stress problem.

See e.g. plot_displacements and plot_von_Mises_stress. Documentation for CentrifugalStressSolution/CentrifugalStressSolution doc CentrifugalStressSolution

.get_displaced_mesh Return displaced mesh.

msh = get_displaced_mesh(this, multiplier) returns a new mesh, based on this.problem.mesh but with the nodes displaced by this.raw_solution multiplied by the given multiplier.

.get_elementwise_von_Mises_stress Elementwise von Mises stress.

sigma_el = get_elementwise_von_Mises_stress(this) returns an array of elementwise von Mises stresses.

.plot_displacements Plots the displaced mesh.

plot_displacements(this, multiplier) plots the geometry under centrifugal stress displacements, multiplied by the given factor.

.plot_von_Mises_stress Visualize the von Mises stresses.

plot_von_Mises_stress(this) plots the elementwise von Mises stresses, using the non-displaced geometry.

plot_von_Mises_stress(this, ‘displacement_multiplier’, multiplier) also distorts the geometry according to the computed displacements, multiplied by the given factor.