Summary for: ShellEdge < handle

Class summary

ShellEdge Convenience class for handling shell edges.

In this context, shell edges are with duplicate nodes on their left and right sides, with empty space between. They are mainly intended for modelling thin gaps with no material contact (mechanical, magnetic, or thermal), with or contact modelled by special means.

this = ShellEdge(msh, nodes) initializes a shell edge, from the given set of nodes (must be ordered correctly).


.domain_to_shellify Domain to shellify, optional.

See this.shellify.

.edges Ordered edges.

The edges, in order, making up this edge.

.elements_to_shellify Elements to shellify.

See this.shellify.

.msh Mesh.

The parent SimpleMesh object.

.nodes Ordered nodes.

The nodes, in order, making up this shell edge.

.skip_ends Skip end-nodes?

Defaults to true.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.get_left_and_right_elements Get elements bordering the shell edge.

[left_els, right_els] = get_left_and_right_elements(this)

Note: the concept of ‘left’ and ‘right’ is somewhat arbitrary for now.

.plot Plot nodes belonging to this.

plot(this, varargin), corresponding to this.msh.plot_nodes(this.nodes, varargin{:}).

.shellify Shellify edge.

shellify(this) performs the following steps: ** Duplicate this.nodes. The first and last node are ** *not** duplicated unless this.skip_ends is false.

  • An attempt is made to update periodic boundary definitions. Not guaranteed to work.
  • Update element definitions.
  • If this.elements_to_shellify is not empty, these element definitions are updated.
  • Otherwise, the elements of the domains in this.domain_to_shellify are updated.