Summary for: InverseGammaCircuit < IMEquivalentCircuit

Class summary

InverseGammaCircuit methods: InverseGammaCircuit - is a class. from_harmonic_solution - Initialize eq. circuit from solution.


.InverseGammaCircuit/Lm is a property.

.InverseGammaCircuit/Ls is a property.

.InverseGammaCircuit/Rr is a property.

.InverseGammaCircuit/Rs is a property.

.InverseGammaCircuit/f is a property.

.InverseGammaCircuit/p is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.InverseGammaCircuit/InverseGammaCircuit is a constructor.

obj = InverseGammaCircuit Documentation for InverseGammaCircuit/InverseGammaCircuit doc InverseGammaCircuit

.from_harmonic_solution Initialize eq. circuit from solution.

this = from_harmonic_solution(solution)

The circuit parameters are defined with the following steps:

Freeze permeability around given solution

Compute total reactance at zero slip

Compute leakage reactance at large negative slip

Compute magnetizing reactance from the difference of total and leakage reactance

Compute total BEMF at given slip. From it, compute the

magnetizing-branch voltage, from it the magnetizing current, and with it the rotor current. Compute rotor resistance from rotor current and magnetizing branch voltage. This value should of course be real; the numerical error factor imag(Rr)/real(Rr) is displayed in the command prompt to spot failed computations.

.InverseGammaCircuit/torque_from_current is a function.

T = torque_from_current(this, I, slip)