Summary for: Nodal3D < handle

Class summary

Nodal3D is a class. this = Nodal3D(varargin)


.Nodal3D/op is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.Nodal3D/Nodal3D is a constructor.

this = Nodal3D(varargin) Documentation for Nodal3D/Nodal3D doc Nodal3D

.eval evaluates the global shape function

call syntax eval(k, X, msh, F, detF) or eval(k, X, msh, elements)

.evaluates the reference shape function (either identity or


.Nodal3D/eval_tet is a function.

Nref = eval_tet(this, k, X, msh)


.Nodal3D/getIndices is a function.

inds = getIndices(~, k, msh, varargin)