Summary for: PhaseCutModulator < Modulator

Class summary

PhaseCutModulator Phase-cut voltage modulator.


.U_grid_peak - zero-to-peak grid (phase) voltage

.Udq - Ud, Uq voltage instructions

.PhaseCutModulator/bias_angle is a property.

.PhaseCutModulator/cut_angle is a property.

.PhaseCutModulator/f is a property.

.PhaseCutModulator/phase_angles is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.PhaseCutModulator Phase-cut voltage modulator.

Documentation for PhaseCutModulator/PhaseCutModulator doc PhaseCutModulator

.compute_angles Compute cut and bias angles.

compute_angles(this) computes the cut and bias angles used in this.U, so that the fundamental harmonic of the output voltage matches the specified U_dq in amplitude and phase both.

.PhaseCutModulator/get_state is a function.

s = get_state(this, t)

.RESET Reset graphics object properties to their defaults.

RESET(H) resets all properties having factory defaults on the object identified by handle H to their default values. If h is a figure, MATLAB does not reset PaperPosition, PaperUnits, Position, Units or WindowStyle. If h is an axes, MATLAB does not reset Position and Units.

For example, RESET(GCA) resets the properties of the current axis. RESET(GCF) resets the properties of the current figure.

See also CLA, CLF, GCA, GCF, HOLD.