Summary for: MaterialBase < Indexable
Class summary
MaterialBase Base class for materials.
Not really used right now, see Material.
.B - given B-curve (T)
.H - given H-curve (A/m)
.Poissons_ratio Poisson’s ratio.
Fetched from this.material_properties.Poissons_ratio.
.Youngs_modulus Young’s modulus in SI units.
Fetched from this.material_properties.Youngs_modulus
.density Density in SI units.
Fetched from this.material_properties.rho
.domains - list of domains that are made of this material
.electrical conductivity in SI units.
Fetched from this.material_properties.sigma
At 20 C by default.
.elements - indices to finite elements
.intrinsic_coercivity Intrinsic coercivity.
The intrinsic coercivity, often (a bit naiively) used as a demagnetization limit. (A/m). Fetched from this.material_properties.HcJ
At 20C by default.
.intrinsic_coercivity_temperature_coefficient Temperature
coefficient for intrinsic coercivity.
Fetched from this.material_properties.intrinsic_coercivity_temperature_coefficient
.iron_loss_computation_method Iron loss computation method.
This property allows an option to toggle the iron loss computation method. Indeed, the loss_density
method of the Material class calls the method with its name equal to this property.
However, subclasses may have a different loss_density
.is_symmetric - Is the differential reluctivity symmetric?
.MaterialBase/material_properties is a property.
.plot_args - plotting instructions for this
.relative_permeability Relative permeability.
Only used for PMs by default. Fetched from this.material_properties.mur.
.remanence_flux_density Remanence flux density in T.
Fetched from this.material_properties.Br
At 20C by default.
.remanence_temperature_coefficient Remanence flux density temp.
coeff. in 1/C.
Fetched from this.material_properties.alpha_Br
.specific_heat_capacity Specific heat capacity in SI units.
Fetched from this.material_properties.specific_heat_capacity
.stacking_factors - list of stacking factors per each element
.temperature_coefficient_of_resistivity Resistivity temp. coeff. in
SI units.
Fetched from this.material_properties.alpha_sigma
.thermal_conductivity Thermal conductivity in SI units.
Fetched from this.material_properties.thermal_conductivity
Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.
.MaterialBase Base class for materials.
Not really used right now, see Material. Documentation for MaterialBase/MaterialBase doc MaterialBase
.MaterialBase/clear_copy is a function.
obj = MaterialBase
.default copy for most properties
.MaterialBase/detach is a function.
obj = MaterialBase
.MaterialBase/differential_reluctivity is a function.
obj = MaterialBase
.electrical_conductivity_at_temperature Electrical conductivity
at given temperature.
sigma = electrical_conductivity_at_temperature(this, T) returns the electrical conductivity sigma
(S/m) at the given temperature T
.elementwise_density Elementwise density.
Returns a scalar by default; can be subclassed to support varying properties.
.elementwise_plane_stress_stiffness_tensor Plane-stress stiffness tensor.
Returns the elementwise stiffness tensor, for plane-stress formulation, using Voigt notation in column-major format.
Returns a single tensor by default, implying constant property across all elements.
.elementwise_stiffness_tensor Plane-strain stiffness tensor.
Returns the elementwise stiffness tensor, for plane-strain formulation, using Voigt notation in column-major format.
Returns a single tensor by default, implying constant property across all elements.
.get_B_data Compute flux density waveforms and other data.
Bdata = get_B_data(solution, args)
Bdata is an array of structs with the fields (one struct per quadrature point)
solution : handle to the MagneticsSolution used
timestamps : time-step timestamps in seconds
** volume_multiplier : model.dimensions.leff ** model.symmetrySectors
DETF : absolute value of mesh mapping matrix determinant at quad point
Bx : waveform of x-component of flux density at quad point
By : waveform of y-component of flux density at quad point
.MaterialBase/init_for_problem is a function.
obj = MaterialBase
.intrinsic_coercivity_at_temperature Intrinsic coercivity at
given temperature.
HcJ = intrinsic_coercivity_at_temperature(this, T) returns the intrinsic coercivity HcJ
(A/m) at the given temperature T
.loss_density Iron/material loss density method.
[p_hysteresis, p_eddy, p_excess] = loss_density(this, Bdata), where
- Bdata : flux density waveform data returned by
Return values:
- Elementwise hysteresis, eddy, and exces loss densities, expressed in W/m^3.
.losses Material-level loss computation.
[Ptot, Pdata] = losses(solution) or
[Ptot, Pdata] = losses(solution, key, value, …) (see below)
return the total material (usually iron) losses Ptot for MagneticsSolution solution.
Pdata is then a struct with the following fields:
Return values: total losses (time-average) and a loss data struct with the following fields:
P_total : average total losses
P_total_time : total losses versus time (solution.ts)
P_hysteresis : total hysteresis losses
P_eddy : total eddy-current iron losses
P_excess : total excess losses.
P_rotor : total losses in rotor (in elements motor.rotel)
P_hysteresis_rotor : total hysteresis losses in rotor
p_hysteresis_elementwise : vector of elementwise hysteresis loss density (W/m^3)
WARNING: element-wise loss densities are returned in W/m^3, as opposed to the W/kg used in previous versions.
The losses are computed by first computing the flux density waveforms with MaterialBase.get_B_data, and then passing the results to the .loss_density
method of each Material in the solution, to get the elementwise loss densities. The losses are then summed and the other interesting outputs computed.
Keyword arguments:
plotting_on : plot results (default false). Losses are plotted with MaterialBase.plot_losses
remove_DC : Remove DC-component of flux density before computing losses? Options: false - no removal / ‘rotor’ - only remove from rotor elements (motor.rotel) / ‘all’ remove from all elements.
use_entire_solution : use entire solution range (in time-domain). Default: false: only last full electrical period is used.
method : This value is temporarily set as the
property of each Material. For the plain Material class, the options are “iron_loss_density_time_domain_Steinmetz” and “iron_loss_density_frequency_domain_Bertotti”. Subclasses may ignore this. Default : [] –> don’t change the property value.
.MaterialBase/plot_BH is a function.
obj = MaterialBase
.MaterialBase.plot_losses is a function.
MaterialBase.plot_losses(solution, Pdata, varargin)
.MaterialBase/raw_reluctivity is a function.
obj = MaterialBase
.remanence_flux_density_at_temperature Remanence flux density
at given temperature.
Br = remanence_flux_density_at_temperature(this, T) returns the remanence flux density (T) at a the given temperature T