Summary for: MagneticsProblem < handle

Class summary

MagneticsProblem Class for solving magnetics problems.

this = MagneticsProblem( model )

Construct problem, where model is an instance of RFmodel or MotorModelBase class.

Main methods:

  • solve_static : solve static problem with no damping effects.

  • solve_harmonic : solve harmonic problem.

  • solve_quasistatic: similar to harmonic, but without the harmonic-reluctivity model used in solve_harmonic

  • solve_stepping : solve time-stepping problem.

Most solution methods utilize a relaxed Newton iteration approach. On any given time-step, the first pars.maximum_regular_iterations are undamped. If this number of iterations is exceeded, damping is performed at each step. This damping if performed by first computing the regular Newton step direction, and progressively halving the step length until the residual norm is strictly reduced. A maximum of pars.maximum_damping_iterations halving steps is performed.


.model - The MotorModelBase (or compatible) model object associated with the problem


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.MagneticsProblem/get_component_property is a function.

prob = get_component_property(this, component, property, pars)

.MagneticsProblem/set_boundary_matrix is a function.

this = set_boundary_matrix(this, varargin)

.set_load_vector Set PM-load vector.

set_load_vector(this) computes the load vector (constant, time- and solution independent) due to permanent magnet sources in this.model.PMs.

.solve_harmonic Harmonic solution of a MagneticsProblem.

Solves a Harmonic magnetics problem, with sinusoidal time-variations.

solution = solve_harmonic(this, pars), where

  • pars : a SimulationParameters object

  • solution : a HarmonicSolution object.

Note: setting pars.isDC = true is recommended for synchronous machines; in this case the rotor is rotated by 90 electrical degrees for the imaginary/sinusoid component of the solution, compared to the real/cosinusoid part. This provides an approximation of the effect of rotor saliency.

NOTE: The real and imaginary fields are coupled in the rotor, which is incorrect for synchronous machines (as f_rotor = 0). As a result, the rotor reluctivity gets overestimated. This may be fixed in a future release. In the meantime, see ´MagneticsProblen.solve_quasistatic´.

.solve_quasistatic Quasi-static solution a MagneticsProblem.

Almost like solve_harmonic with the ‘isDC’ parameter set to true; but only damping-related coupling between the d- and q-axes.

NOTE: Will probably be merged into solve_harmonic in the future.

.solve_static Static solution of a MagneticsProblem.

Solves a static magnetics problem, with no damping effects.

solution = solve_static(this, pars), where

  • pars : a SimulationParameters object

  • solution : a StaticSolution object.

.solve_stepping Time-stepping solution of a MagneticsProblem.

Solves a time-stepping problem with damping (eddy- and voltage-like terms) included.

solution = solve_harmonic(this, pars), where

  • pars : a SimulationParameters object

  • solution : a SteppingSolution object.

Note: Initial conditions have to be computed first, usually by running this.solve_harmonic or this.solve_quasistatic. Alternatively, one can set a MagneticsSolution object to this.results.initial_solution, or a solution vector to this.results.Xh.

.MagneticsProblem/sweep_harmonic is a function.

solutions = sweep_harmonic(this, pars)