Summary for: PointConductor < StrandedConductor

Class summary

PointConductor methods: PointConductor - is a class. set_element - PointConductor/set_element is a function. set_matrices - finding position


.PointConductor/element is a property.

.position - position in global coordinates

.PointConductor/radius is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.PointConductor/PointConductor is a constructor.

this = PointConductor(domain, radius, position) Documentation for PointConductor/PointConductor doc PointConductor

.AREA Filled **area** 2-D plot.

AREA(Y) plots the vector Y or plots each column in matrix Y as a separate curve and stacks the curves. The x-axis automatically scales to 1:size(Y,1). The values in Y can be numeric or duration values.

AREA(X,Y) plots Y versus X and fills the area between 0 and Y. The values in X can be numeric, datetime, duration or categorical values.

If Y is a vector, then specify X as a vector of increasing values with length equal to Y. If the values in X are not increasing, then AREA sorts the values before plotting.

If Y is a matrix, then specify X as a vector of increasing values with length equal to the number of rows in Y. AREA plots the columns of Y as filled areas. For each X, the net result is the sum of corresponding values from the rows of Y. You also can specify X as a matrix with size equal to Y. To avoid unexpected output when X is a matrix, specify X so that the columns repeat.

AREA( ** _ ,BASEVALUE) specifies the base value for the area fill. The default BASEVALUE is 0. Specify the base value as a numeric value.

AREA( ** _ ,Name,Value) modifies the appearance of the area chart using one or more name-value pair arguments.

AREA(AX, ** _ ) plots into the axes specified by AX instead of the current axes.

H = AREA( ** _ ) returns one or more Area objects. AREA creates one object for vector input arguments and one object per column for matrix input arguments.

See also PLOT, BAR.

.PointConductor/copy is a function.

c2 = copy(this)

.PointConductor/elements is a function.

el = elements(this)

.PointConductor/set_element is a function.


.finding position

.PointConductor/visualize is a function.

visualize(this, varargin)