Summary for: Curve < handle & ProxyObject & matlab.mixin.Heterogeneous

Class summary

CURVE Abstract base class for representing line segments and circle arcs


.Curve/left_surface is a property.

.name - name, Optional

.pcenter - Center Point of Arc.

.pend - end Point of curve

.periodic_with - Another curve that this is periodic with.

.pstart - start Point of curve

.Curve/right_surface is a property.

.type - Type (geo.line or geo.arc)

.Curve/xend is a property.

.Curve/xstart is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.


this = Curve(pstart, pend)

Create a line segment (geo.line) between the Point objects. pstart and pend.

this = Curve(pstart, pcenter, pend)

Create a circle arc (geo.arc) between pstart and pend, centered at pcenter. Documentation for Curve/Curve doc Curve

.add_to_points Add this to defining Points.

.angle Angle between two Curves.

Call syntax

a = c1.angle(c2)

a = angle(c1, c2)

Returns the angle a.

.Curve/center is a function.

pc = center(this)

.curve_length Length of curve.

l = curve_length(this) returns the length of the Curve:

  • regular length for Lines *

.Curve/detach is a function.


.Curve/distance_from_point is a function.

[d, Pclosest] = distance_from_point(this, P)

.Direction of this Curve to join with other curve.

ldir = extend_direction(this, other_curve)

.extends Check if this Curve extends other curve.

bl = extends(this, other_curve, other_curve_direction)

.flip Flip Curve.

flip_curve(this) flips the Curve, i.e. does the following two tasks:

  • Flip the direction of Points defining this
  • Update the line_direction in this.left_surface and this.right_surface

.get_point_ids Return the ids of Points defining this.

ids = get_point_ids(this) returns a COLUMN vector (size(ids,2) = 1) of the ids of all Points ( defining this.

.get_xy Get xy-coordinates of start- and end-points.

.joinable_with Check if this Curve joins with other Curve.

bl = joinable_with(this, other_line)

bl = true if this shares a point with other_line

.Curve/next_left is a function.

l = next_left(this, P)

.norm Length of Curve.

.plot Plot Curve.

.Curve/points is a function.

X = points(this)

.rotate Rotate around the origin, return a new Curve.

.set_characteristic_length Set characteristic length.

set_characteristic_length(this, lcar) sets the characteristic length on the Curve to lcar.

.Curve/split_with_point is a function.

new_curve = split_with_point(this, P)

.tangent Return Curve tangent.

t = tangent(this) returns the Curve tangent vector

t = tangent(this, p) returns the Curve tangent at the desired point.

.unique_not_proxy Return unique Curves, proxy the rest.

c = unique_not_proxy(this) returns the unique Curves in the array this , with ‘unique’ understood as a unique combination of id values of the Points defining each curve.

** WARNING If there are Curves of identical but opposite definitions in terms of the unique Points, the replicate curves are flipped where appropriate with Curve.flip()

.start point

.Curve/update_single_point is an undocumented builtin Line method.