Summary for: PolyphaseCircuit < Circuit & SliceableCircuit

Class summary

PolyphaseCircuit Class for finite-element representation of polyphase circuits.

this = PolyphaseCircuit(name, winding_spec)

Returns a new PolyphaseCircuit object with the given name and associated with the PolyphaseWindingSpec winding specification.

A PolyphaseCircuit is largely characterized by its winding_spec property = a PolyphaseWindingSpec object. This winding specification object contains information such as number of turns and parallel paths, winding layout matrix, loop matrix, etc.

The PolyphaseCircuit then handles the finite-element representation of the winding, as well as the different supply modes. See this.set_load .


.PolyphaseCircuit.circuit_analysis_arguments is a property.

.include_lew - include end-winding inductance, boolean

.PolyphaseCircuit/slot is a property.

.supply_mode - supply mode.

.winding_spec - winding parameters specification; a PolyphaseWinding object


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.coil_current Coil current from solution.

I = coil_current(this, solution), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

.coil_current_density Coil current densities from solution.

I = coil_current_density(this, solution), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

.conductor_area_per_turn_and_coil Equivalent conductor area per single

turn-side, considering fill-factor.

.conductor_current Conductor currents from solution.

I = conductor_current(this, solution), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

I is a vector of currents, row per meshed conductor.

.conductor_flux_linkage Conductor flux linkage.

Phi = conductor_flux_linkage(this, solution) returns the average flux linkage of each Conductor, without considering the number of symmetry sectors, parallel paths or anything.

.PolyphaseCircuit/derivate_phase_quantity is a function.

E = derivate_phase_quantity(this, QoI, solution, varargin)

.PolyphaseCircuit/domains is a function.

ds = domains(this)

.ew_length_per_conductor End-winding conductor length.

.filling_factor Conductor filling factor.

.get_DC_resistance_matrix DC-resistance matrix for the FE


.get_EW_inductance_matrix End-winding inductance matrix.

.PolyphaseCircuit/get_cc_blocks is a function.

[Scc, Mcc] = get_cc_blocks(this, problem, type)

.get_loop_matrix Loop matrix associated with the circuit.

.PolyphaseCircuit/get_lt_matrix is a function.

Scc = get_lt_matrix(this, problem, type, t, kstep, Xprev)

.PolyphaseCircuit/get_nl_matrix is a function.

[Scc, rescc] = get_nl_matrix(this, problem, type, t, kstep, Xprev, Xiter)

.get_solid_resistance_matrix Resistance matrix for solid

parts of the winding (solid active conductors only)

.get_EW_impedance_matrix Complex end-winding impedance matrix.

.get_stranded_resistance_matrix Resistance matrix for stranded

parts of the winding (all EW + stranded active conductors)

.init Initialize circuit matrices.

.PolyphaseCircuit.line_current_matrix is a function.

M = PolyphaseCircuit.line_current_matrix

.PolyphaseCircuit.line_to_line_voltage_matrix is a function.

M = PolyphaseCircuit.line_to_line_voltage_matrix

.losses Compute losses and loss data.

[Pmean, data] = losses(this, solution) returns the mean total losses and a structure of loss data, including

  • conductor_loss_waveform : instantaneous total losses per Conductor
  • P_AC_time : waveform of total AC losses
  • Ptot_time_conductor : waveform of per-conductor losses
  • mean_total_losses : as the title suggests ** mean_AC_losses : ** *NOTE** Mean ** eddy-current losses, i.e. losses due to uneven current density distribution inside the conductors.
  • mean_DC_losses : Mean losses neglecting all AC effects. This includes the eddy-current losses, the uneven distribution of total current within multiple wires in-hand, and the zero-sequence component of the phase-currents. ** NOTE This will, for now, give incorrect results for non-standard winding configurations, where the zero-sequence component is not simply sum(Iphase, 1).
  • mean_conductor_losses : mean losses per conductor
  • mean_circulating_current_losses : total loss component due to circulating-current phenomana, including both strand-level and phase-level circulating currents. Computed as the difference between the ohmic losses computed from conductor currents, and the mean_DC_losses field.
  • mean_circulating_current_losses_on_phase_level : difference between mean_DC_losses, and the losses computed from strand DC resistances, assuming even distribution of current within the multiple parallel strands in each phase.
  • P_DC_conductor : total losses from conductor currents and conductor DC-resistances. Exluded eddy-current effects, includes all circulating currents.

.PolyphaseCircuit/mass is a function.

[m, data] = mass(this)

.PolyphaseCircuit/merge_circuit_from_another_slice is a function.

merge_circuit_from_another_slice(this, another_circuit)

.meshed_conductor_area_per_layer_and_turn Raw surface area.

Returns the actual meshed area per meshed turn.

.PolyphaseCircuit/parallel_paths is a function.

a = parallel_paths(this)

.parse_space_vector Transform quantity to dq-form.

sv = parse_space_vector(this, Q, solution)

Q = quantity of interest, phases x steps

.parse_terminal_voltage Parse terminal voltages from phase voltages.

Note: the voltages are given against the 0 V potentials.

U = parse_terminal_voltage(this, U, solution, varargin), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

.phase_bemf Phase induced voltage.

Equal to the time-derivative of this.phase_flux_linkage, so NOT exactly the ‘textbook back-emf’ which is often understood to include only the PM flux.

U = phase_bemf(this, solution, varargin), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

U = time-derivative of this.terminal_flux_linkage

.phase_current Phase current from solution.

I = phase_current(this, solution), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

.phase_flux_linkage Phase flux linkage.

Phi = phase_flux_linkage(this, solution, varargin), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

** Note: the contribution of end-winding leakage inductance term is ** NOT included by default. To do include it, please specify ‘include_ew’, true in the key-value arguments.

.phase_impedance_voltage_drop Phase voltage drops from


The voltage drop includes the reactive voltage drop in the end-winding, and the resistive voltage drop over conductors modelled as stranded (normally either the entire winding if this.winding_spec.winding_model_type = defs.stranded, or just the end-winding region in case defs.solid).

U = phase_impedance_voltage_drop(this, solution, varargin), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

.resistance_matrix_seen_from_terminals Phase resistance matrix.

Phase resistance matrix as seen from the phase terminals, i.e. considering the effect of parallel paths.

.phase_voltage Phase voltages from the solution.

Returns the phase voltages = potential differences as measured between the ends of each phase. For typical star-connected machines, this would be the line-to-neutral voltages; for typical delta-connected motors they are the line-to-line voltages.

Or, expressed more exactly, the “phase voltage” of each phase is the sum of the voltages over all the individual coils belonging to a certain phase. The voltage includes both the induced voltage (dPhi/dt) and voltage drop over lumped impedances.

U = phase_voltage(this, solution, varargin)

.results_summary Summary of important results.

out = results_summary(this, solution) computes quantities such as phase and terminal currents and voltages and returns them in the structure out.

result_summary(this, solution) prints the results in the command prompt.

.set_load1 Increment load vector.

.set_load1 Increment load vector.

.PolyphaseCircuit/set_parent is a function.

set_parent(this, parent)

.set_source Set circuit source.

set_source(this, source_type, source)

Set the winding source, see below.

source_type : string specifying source type:

  • ‘uniform coil current’ : Uses the specified coil current, distributed uniformly over the conductor Domain areas. Works for any analysis type.

  • ‘terminal current source’ : Specifies the net terminal current. Please note that the m-phase current source is in virtual star, so for delta-connected machines the current source imposes the phase current, minus any circulatory / zero-sequency components.

  • ‘terminal voltage’ : Specifies the potential (V) at each terminal, with respect to an arbitrary reference point. For harmonic/stepping analysis only.

  • ‘circuit’ : a CircuitSource object.

source : Source values:

  • phases x steps array : used directly as such.

  • function handle : typically to VoltageSource.U method

.A = this.parent.slot_area();

.PolyphaseCircuit/slot_conductor_area is a function.

A = slot_conductor_area(this)

.stranded_conductor_losses Compute losses in stranded conductors.

.terminal_bemf Terminal induced voltage.

See this.phase_bemf.

U = terminal_bemf(this, solution, varargin), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

U = time-derivative of this.terminal_flux_linkage return value.

.terminal_current Terminal current from solution.

I = terminal_current(this, solution), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

.terminal_flux_linkace Terminal flux linkage.

Kind of like ‘line-to-line’ flux linkage, as little sense as it makes.

Phi = terminal_flux_linkace(this, solution, varargin), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

.terminal_impedance_voltage_drop Phase voltage drops from


U = terminal_impedance_voltage_drop(this, solution, varargin), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.

.terminal_voltage Terminal voltages from solution.

Returns the “terminal voltages”, i.e. potential differences between successive terminals (1-2, 2-3, …, n-1).

U = terminal_voltage(this, solution, varargin), where

solution = a MagneticsSolution object.