Summary for: PolyphaseWindingSpec < Indexable

Class summary

PolyphaseWindingSpec Winding specification class.


this = PolyphaseWindingSpec()

this = PolyphaseWindingSpec(dimensions)

Loads the number of slots from dimensions.Qs and pole-pair count from dimensions.p


  • contains winding-specifying parameters (turns, layers, etc)

  • assembles winding loop matrix for finite-element analysis

  • calculates total (half-)turn length and winding overhang

  • handles end-winding indcutance biacalculation

The winding specification offers a way to control the winding model used (solid or stranded conductors) and the slot layout (e.g. round or rectangular wires). This functionality only works if the parent geometry is of the LayoutCompatible class. In this case:

  • this.layout_spec, a WindingLayoutBase object defines the layout.

  • this.winding_model_type, typically defs.stranded or defs.solid defines the winding model type used.


.FE_filling_factor Conductor filling factor for finite-element


Equal to 1 for solid-conductor models. Equal to this.filling_factor for stranded models.

.N_layers - number of winding layers

.N_series Turns per modelled coil.

Number of turns per modelled coil (slot and layer). Something of a legacy value; please seriously consider using number_of_turns_per_coil instead. These values are typically the same, apart from axial flux machines with mirrored slots.

Setting or getting this property directly sets / gets the number_of_turns_per_coil property, modified (multiplied) by this.get_dimension('axial_symmetry_sectors') if set.

.a - number of parallel paths

.circuit - the CircuitBase object associated with this

.PolyphaseWindingSpec/conductor_material is a property.

.connection - connection

.end_winding_inductance_multiplier Multiplier for end-winding


.end_winding_length_factor End-winding length factor.

Placeholder variable for user-specified custom end-turn length factors. Must be handled in subclasses.


.extra_phase_inductance - extra per-phase inductance

.filling_factor Conductor area PER meshed conductor area.

Computed automatically from layout_spec.conductor_area if layout_spec.conductor area returns a real value. If it returns nan, fill factor has to be specified.

Note: for solid winding models, filling_factor will be ~equal to 1.

.gross_filling_factor Gross filling factor

Gross conductor area (conductor + insulation) divided by the uninsulated winding area (winding window area - liners and layer insulations) .

.half_of_turn_length - half of turn length

.layout_matrix - winding layout matrix. See this.set_layout_matrix

.layout_spec A WindingLayoutBase object specifying slot conductor


Default: UniformLayout.

See RectangularLayout and RoundWireLayout for common alternatives.

Note that some Layouts only support stranded winding models, while others also enable solid models with each conductor modelled.

For layouts to work properly, the parent geometry has to be of the LayoutCompatible class.

.lew_given - given end-winding inductance per turn and per slot-segment

.PolyphaseWindingSpec/number_of_dq_components is a property.

.number_of_meshed_conductors_per_layer As the name suggests.

.number_of_turns_per_coil Number of turns per coil.

The number of coils is assumed to be equal to the number of slots multiplied by the number of winding layers.

** NOTE In machines with the axial_symmetry_sectors dimension defined (in the .dimensions struct),

number_of_turns_per_coil = axial_symmetry_sectors * N_series

While this may make sense for a YASA-style machine with 2 axial symmetry sectors and only half of the stator modelled, it may be nonsensical for other topologies. For now, things are what they are though - in doubt, it’s better to use the N_series property to set the number of turns per modelled coil.

.p - number of pole-pairs

.phases - number of phases

.series_conductor_length_per_phase - series-conductor length per-phase

.series_turns_per_phase - number of series-turns per phase

.slot_filling_factor Conductor area to winding area.

.span - coil span

.strand_transposition_type Type of strand transpositions.

Controls the type of strand transpositions, in cases where the number of meshed wires in hand is > 1. The options include:

  • ‘none’ : no transpositions
  • ‘ideal’ : strand order in negative coil sides is reversed
  • a structure with the fields ‘type’ and optional extra fields, see options below.

Structure options:

  • type = ‘ideal’. Same as the ‘ideal’ case above.
  • type = ‘none’. Same as ‘none’ above.
  • type = ‘block’, number_of_blocks = integer. Reverse strand order in blocks or braids. The order of blocks/braids is reversed for odd-numbered slots; the order within blocks is left unchanged.
  • type = ‘block2024’, number_of_blocks = integer. Same as above, but reverse the block order for return paths instead of odd-numbered slots.

.winding_model_type Winding model type.

Type of winding model used, typically defs.solid or defs.stranded; defs.custom when supported by this.layout_spec.

The parent geometry must be of the LayoutCompatible class.

.wires_in_hand - number of wires in hand. Must be 1 for infinite stranded windings.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.average_phase_quantity_matrix Matrix for computing average

phase quantities.

Mave = average_phase_quantity_matrix(this)

This matrix is used to for problems where this.meshed_wires_in_hand > 1, and e.g. the phase flux linkages of the parallel wires/paths may differ.

.bias_angle Bias angle for winding.

a = bias_angle(this)

Returns a rotation angle for the direct-quadrature transformation so that injecting d-axis current into the winding generates flux on the rotor d-axis.

By default, this means that feeding the machine with the current Is = SpaceVectors.xy([1; zeros(this.phases-1, 1)], 0, this.bias_angle) results in a flux density pattern oriented on the rotor d-axis, as defined by the the rotor(1).d_axis_angle method, where the d-axis angle is returned in mechanical radians.

Please note that this behaviour may be overwritten by custom subclass implementations of the this.xy and this.dq methods.

.bind_to_model Bind to CircuitBase object.

.copy Return a semi-shallow copy of this.

spec = copy(this) returns a copy of this. All handle properties will still point to their original instances.

.create_slot_geometry Create slot geometry.

Access method to WindingLayoutBase.create_slot_geometry

.dq Transformation to dq frame

y = dq(this, xy, angles)

.end_winding_inductance_matrix Compute the EW inductance matrix.

Computes the end-winding inductance matrix.

WARNING: For analysis/implementation reasons, the matrix is computed assuming no parallel paths = this.a = 1. The effect of parallel paths is considered elsewhere.

The matrix is computed as

Lew = end_winding_inductance_matrix(this)


Lew = 2 ** L_<segment' ** l_segment * L_segment , where

  • L_segment : loop matrix for end-winding segments = segment between two successive slots. Computed with this.end_winding_loop_matrix

  • l_segment : inductance of one end-winding segment. Computed with this.end_winding_segment_inductance .

The resulting matrix is then multiplied with this.end_winding_inductance_multiplier.

If non-zero, this.this.extra_phase_inductance is added to the diagonal of Lew , or block-diagonal in case this.meshed_wires_in_hand > 1.

Only works for radial flux machines.

.end_winding_loop_matrix End-winding loop matrix, per slot-segment.

L = end_winding_loop_matrix(this)

Returns a number_of_slots x phases matrix, representing how many times each phase traverses each ‘slot segment’ = end-winding piece between two successive slots.

Only computed for one end of a radial-flux machine.

.end_winding_segment_inductance Inductance of one end-winding segment.

A ‘segment’ is understood as the part of end-winding between two-successive slot pitches. Whenever there are several phases and/or parallel paths running in the same segment, their self- and mutual inductances are assumed equal in absolute value. (Signs may differ depending on the coil/path/phase direction; this is considered by this.end_winding_segment_inductance .

Calculation somewhat follows the approach given by Lipo, T.A. (*) for a random-wound winding. Iron modelled as perfect conductor, to accound for eddy damping.

(*) Introduction to AC Machine Design

Only works for radial-flux machines.

.independent_current_loop_matrix Current loop matrix for

independent coil currents.

.PolyphaseWindingSpec/line_current_matrix is a function.

M = line_current_matrix(this)

.PolyphaseWindingSpec/line_to_line_voltage_matrix is a function.

M = line_to_line_voltage_matrix(this)

.loop_matrix Loop matrix associated with this.

L = loop_matrix(this)

Returns a number_of_meshed_conductors_in_model x number_of_current_loops matrix, with the entries:

  • L(i, k) = +n : Loop k traverses conductor i to positive direction

  • L(i, k) = -n : Loop k traverses conductor i to positive direction


  • number_of_meshed_conductors : Number of would-be meshed conductors per entire model. Equal to this.number_of_layers x this.number_of_meshed_conductors_per_layer x this.number_of_slots

  • number_of_current_loops : Number of current loops in winding; this.phases x this.wires_in_hand

  • n : number of stranded turns per meshed conductor. 1 for solid-conductor models, typically equal to this.N_series for stranded models.

.property_modified Adds the modified property to the list of modified


.save_to_excel Export winding specs.

save_to_excel(this, filename, varargin)

.set_layout_matrix Initialize winding layout matrix.

A layout matrix is a number_of_layers x number_of_slots matrix of integers, with values in range -phases…phases.

The entries of the layout matrix W are:

  • W(i, j) = +k : phase k goes through layer i, slot j, to positive direction:

  • W(i, j) = -k : phase k goes through layer i, slot j, to negative direction:

.show_unset_properties Show warning about unset properties (default


.PolyphaseWindingSpec/symmetry_period is a function.

n = symmetry_period(this)

.total_phase_quantity_matrix Sum of quantities in parallel


Mtot = total_phase_quantity_matrix(this)

This matrix is used to for problems where this.meshed_wires_in_hand > 1, to e.g. compute the total current in a phase:

Iphase = Mtot * I_parallel_paths

.PolyphaseWindingSpec/visualize is a function.

visualize(this, varargin)

.winding_angle Compute winding angle.

a = winding_angle(this)

Compute the stator winding angle i.e. rotation angle for the direct-quadrature space vector transformation (without considering the rotor bias angle) so that injecting d-axis current into the stator winding generates a cosinusoidal airgap flux density waveform (first peak of fundamental at y = 0, assuming non-salient rotor).

In other words, the angle is defined so that feeding the winding with the current Is = SpaceVectors.xy([1; zeros(this.phases-1, 1)], 0, this.winding_angle) results in the aforementioned airgap flux density (with a non-salient rotor)

.xy Transform to phase quantities

y = xy(this, dq, angles), where

  • angles : (rotor) angles in electrical degrees.

y = xy(this, dq)