Summary for: RadialGeometry < GeoBase

Class summary

RadialGeometry Base class for radial geometries.

This class is the lowest-level fully working class for representing radial-flux geometries. It can handle radial replication of geometry segments. If remanence_direction is specified for any domain, its sign is flipped with each replication.

The following properties must be defined in this.dimensions (not recommended), or as methods of subclasses of RadialGeometry (highly recommended):

  • Nrep : number of mesh replications

  • symmetry_period : symmetry period of winding etc.

  • sector_angle : angular span of elementary geometry.



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.copy_domain Copy domain and apply necessary rotations or


new = copy_domain(this, old_domain, sector_shift)

DEFAULT behaviour: rotate domain remanence and orientation directions, if any, by sector_shift.

.moments_of_inertia Compute moments of inertia.

[Izz, data] = moments_of_inertia(this), where

  • Izz : moment of inertia around z-axis

  • data : containing other inertia numbers. SI units all.

.parse_nodes Parse interesting nodes after meshing.

parse_nodes(this, Surfaces)

Sets the following properties of this:

  • n_ag
  • n_dir
  • n_cw
  • n_ccw

based on the information in Surfaces typically returned by gw .

.sector_angle Angle of symmetry sector.


Usually subclassed, but by default returns this.dimensions.sector_angle.

.shift_elementary_nodes Apply symmetry shift.

.update_remanence_direction_to_new_sector Update domain

remanence direction.

update_remanence_direction_to_new_sector(this, dnew, k)

Update the remanence direction (if any) of the Domain dnew into the new symmetry sector k. The default behaviour is to rotate the direction by this.sector_angle AND to flip the orientation (N-S to S-N) for odd sectors. Please subclass if not appropriate.

.RadialGeometry/visualize_radial is a function.

visualize_radial(this, varargin)