Summary for: geo

Class summary

enumeration line arc hole end



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.add_fillet Fillet intersection of two lines

P = add_fillet(r, pa1, pa2, pb1, pb2, varargin)

P = add_fillet(r, pa1, pa2, pb1, pb2, direction)

.geo.add_fillet_between_curves is a function.

Pcenter = geo.add_fillet_between_curves(r_fillet, ca, cb, direction)

.geo.arc is a function.

e = geo.arc

.geo.closest_point is a function.

pclosest = geo.closest_point(X, points)

.geo.find_arc is a function.

[l, direction] = geo.find_arc(p1, pc, p2)

.find_line Find line between two points.

[l, direction] = find_line(p1, p2)


line arc hole end Documentation for geo/geo doc geo

.geo.hole is a function.

e = geo.hole

.LINE Create line

LINE(X,Y) adds the line defined in vectors X and Y to the current axes. If X and Y are matrices of the same size, line draws one line per column.

LINE(X,Y,Z) creates lines in three-dimensional coordinates.

LINE(‘XData’,x,’YData’,y,’ZData’,z,…) creates a line in the current axes using the Name,Value pairs as arguments. This is the low-level form of the line function, which does not accept matrix coordinate data as the other informal forms described above.

LINE(…,Name,Value) specifies line properties using one or more Name,Value pair arguments.

LINE(container,…) creates the line in the axes, group, or transform specified by container, instead of in the current axes.

H = LINE(…) returns a column vector of the primitive line objects created.

Execute GET(H), where H is a line object, to see a list of line object properties and their current values. Execute SET(H) to see a list of line object properties and legal property values.


.geo.move_to_intersect is a function.

geo.move_to_intersect(pa1, pa2, pb1, pb2, pextra)

.geo.parse_named is a function.

C = geo.parse_named(entities)

.parsing start line

.set_periodic Set two Lines as periodic.

The purpose of this method is to specify two Lines as periodic, so that they are meshed in conforming fashion. The method takes as arguments Point objects ordered as follows:

set_periodic( P_start_1, P_end_1, P_start_2, P_end_2), where

  • P_start_1, P_end_1 belong to the first Line/boundary.

  • P_start_2, P_end_2 belong to the second boundary.

  • Ordering is consistent, e.g. Point_1_start –> Point_1_end and Point_2_start –> Point_2_end are both radially oriented.

  • By default, Line 1 must be on the ‘clockwise’ boundary: actual clockwise boundary for radial-flux geometries, positive-x for linear/sliced axial geometries. For further use, Line 1 will be named ‘n_cw’, and Line 2 as ‘n_ccw’. To ignore this condition and skip renaming use the call syntax:

set_periodic( P_start_1, P_end_1, P_start_2, P_end_2, true)