Summary for: NTGridDQ < NTGrid

Class summary

NTGridDQ Speed-torque grid from d-q grid data.


grid = NTGridDQ(raw_grid, key, val) with any of the following:

  • ‘U_DC’ : DC-link voltage. Default [] –> determine from base point.

  • ‘turns_ratio’ : multiplier to adjust the motor turn count with.

  • ‘base_speed’ : Base speed, see below.

  • ‘base_torque’ : Base torque. Not used if U_DC is given. If not, then U_DC = terminal voltage at base point.

  • ‘speed_range’ : speed range to initialize the grid for.


.U_DC - DC bus voltage. Changing this recomputes this.interpolant

.base_speed - Base speed

.base_torque - Base torque

.NTGridDQ/grid is a property.

.NTGridDQ/interpolant is a property.

.NTGridDQ/speed_range is a property.

.turns_ratio - Multiplier for motor turns. Changing this recomputes this.interpolant.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.parsing defaults

Documentation for NTGridDQ/NTGridDQ doc NTGridDQ

.NTGridDQ/compute_detailed is a function.

data = compute_detailed(this, Icoil, n)

.NTGridDQ/get_efficiency_grid is a function.

[etagrid, torque_grid, speed_grid, electrical_power] = get_efficiency_grid(this, varargin)

.NTGridDQ/get_grid is a function.

[Qint, torque_grid, speed_grid] = get_grid(this, q_name, varargin)

.get_op Interpolate operating point data

[eta, data] = get_op(this, n, T) where

  • n : speed (rpm)

  • T : torque (Nm)

[eta, I, Pcu, Physt, Peddy] = get_op(this, n, T, ‘mode’, mode)

  • mode : operating mode, ‘motor’ / ‘generator’

Keyword arguments:

  • ‘compute_detailed’ : (EXPERIMENTAL) compute detailed loss breakdown? Default: false.


  • eta : efficiency (%)

and data, a structure with fields:

  • I : 2x1 vector, [id; iq]. Phase quantities (not coil)

  • Pcu

  • Physt

  • Peddy

  • Pexcess

  • W : losses

.get_speed_and_torque_grid Meshgrids for calculation.

.init_listeners Add property listeners.

.maximum_torque_at_speed Get maximum torque at given speed.

.NTGridDQ/plot_map is a function.

Qint = plot_map(this, contour_name, varargin)

.plot_phase_current_limit Plots phase current limit.

h = plot_phase_current_limit(this, I, varargin) Plots the phase current contour for the rms current I (total phase current, parallel paths considered).

Returns the handle h to the contour line.

All input arguments are passed on to this.get_speed_and_torque_grid.

Additionally, the following key-value pairs are passed on to plot for actually drawing the contour (default values shown):

  • ‘color’ : ‘r’
  • ‘linewidth’ : 1
  • ‘linestyle’ : ‘-‘
  • ‘marker’ : ‘none’

.setup Initialization function

.save_efficiency_grid Save efficiency data.

save_efficiency_grid(this, filename)

save_efficiency_grid(this, filename, key, val) with

  • ‘format’, ‘grid’/’columns’ : Output format. Only ‘columns’ supported right now.

  • ‘sheet’, sheet_name : Sheet to save into.

  • ‘range’, rng : Sheet range to save into. Default ‘A1’.

NOTE The exported (Id, Iq) currents are defined for the ‘coil frame’ using peak-scaled space vectors. Thus, the terminal RMS current is sqrt(Id^2 +Id^2) / sqrt(2) * number_of_parallel_paths for star connection, and sqrt(3) times that for delta