Summary for: ClassicIPM < SynRotorBase

Class summary

ClassicIPM High-speed / industrial style IPM rotor.

This rotor has one or several rectangular magnets per pole, mounted along a line perpendicular to the mid-pole radius, separated by an iron bridge between them, with an air-pocket at both ends of the magnet line.

Main dimensions:

  • p : number of pole-pairs
  • leff : effective length
  • Rout : outer radius
  • Rin : (OPTIONAL) inner radius. If not given, a massive rotor without shaft is created.

Magnet dimensions:

  • w_magnet : magnet width
  • hpm : magnet height
  • N_magnets : number of magnets per pole
  • r_magnet : minimum radius of the magnet-set inner line

Leakage path dimensions:

  • w_bridge : thickness of the inter-magnet bridge
  • w_pocket : width of the air pocket at the ends of the magnet line, measured along the inner line.


  • rotor_core_material : rotor core material
  • magnet_material : magnet material
  • shaft_material : (OPTIONAL) shaft material. Not required if Rin is not specified.



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.import geometry.*