Summary for: DemagMaterial1 < Material

Class summary

DemagMaterial1 Simple demagnetizable magnet material model.

The class utilizes a simple demagnetization model based on given material data. The demagnetization behaviour along the material axis is defined as follows:

  • A demagnetization curve of type (H, B) is given by the user, for the temperature in question
  • This is set to this.BH_table_now
  • Material permeability (absolute, not relative) is set by the user.
  • For each element, the B(H) behaviour follows a linear relationship with the slope, going through the point (Bmin, Hmin), where Bmin is the lowest flux density encountered by the element so far, and Hmin is the corresponding field strength.

For the last bullet, the get_equivalent_Br method is used, returning the H=0 intersect of the current BH curve followed, for each element.

BH behaviour on the axis perpendicular to the magnetization direction follows a linear relationship with the slope this.mu_now.


  • this.evaluate_H_vector
  • this.evaluate_magnetization_axis_H
  • this.get_equivalent_Br


  • The default demagnetization evaluation functions (maximum_demag_field function, demag_check script) don’t work with this class.
  • When creating geometries, a deep copy of this material class is generally created. Thus, changing the state of the originally-defined material object has no effect on simulation results; you must first do e.g. the following
  • mat_new = rotor.materials.get(mat_name)
  • mat_new.ignore_demag = true


.BH_table_now Demagnetization curve to follow.

A structure with the fields H and B containing lookup values for the current demagnetization curve to follow.

.Bmin Elementwise lowest flux density.

Lowest magnetization-direction flux density encountered so far.

Note: only set when this.set_step is called, thus ignoring the latest time-step by default.

.Bmin_cand Candidate minimum flux density.

Used during the newest time-step.

.Br_now Current non-demagnetized remanence flux density.

Used by the demag model to clamp extrapolated values.

.ignore_demag Ignore demagnetization model.

When true, the default linear approximation is used.

.mu_now Current permeability.

Used as the slope of the recoil curve.

.remanence_direction_angles Elementwise remanence direction.

.retain_state Retain state between successive simulations?

Default false, in which case the state (this.Bmin) is reset to this.Bmin whenever the .set_step method is called with a step index smaller than this.step.

.step Index of the current/latest time-step.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.basic copy stuff

.differential_reluctivity (H, dHdB) function.

Reverts to the superclass implementation in case of harmonic analysis or if this.ignore_demag is set to true.

Otherwise, calls this.evaluate_H_vector to obtain H, and numerically differentiates to obtain dHdB by calling the same method

.evaluate_H_vector Evaluates the H(B) vector relationship.

H = evaluate_H_vector(this, Bvector, update_state) evaluates the H(B) vector relationship by decomposing Bvector into components parallel and perpendicular to the elementwise remanence direction. The perpendicular component follows a linear relationship with the slope this.mu_now, while the parallel component is evaluated with evaluate_magnetization_axis_H(this, update_state)

The results are then rotated back to the global frame.

.evaluate_magnetization_axis_H Evaluate H on the magnetization direction.

H = evaluate_magnetization_axis_H(this, B, update_state) returns the magnetization-axis H following the linear relationship H = (B - Br_eq) / this.mu_now where Br_eq = this.get_equivalent_Br(B);

If update_state == true, this.Bmin_cand is updated to B.

.DemagMaterial1/from_material is a function.

this = from_material(this_dummy, mat)

.get_equivalent_Br Equivalent remanence.

Br = get_equivalent_Br(this, B) returns the H=0 intercept of the elementwise (H,B) trace.

The value is computed as

  • Bmin = min(this.Bmin, B);
  • Hmin is interpolated from this.BH_table_now.H with Bmin as input ** Br = Bmin - this.mu_now** Hmin;`
  • Values outside the data range of this.BH_table_now.B are clamped to +/- this.Br_now

If this.ignore_demag is true, this.Br_now is returned instead.

.DemagMaterial1/parse_element_remanence_directions is a function.


.remanence_flux_density_at_temperature Remanence flux density.%

Br = remanence_flux_density_at_temperature(this, T) returns zero, as this method is called by the MagneticsProblem.set_load_vector method, to account for the non-demagnetizable magnet behaviour.

Br = remanence_flux_density_at_temperature(this, T, true) returns the H=0 intercept of the current-set BH curve (this.BH_table_now)

.set_step Set new time-step.

set_step(this, kstep, t, varargin)

.set_symmetric_BH_table_from_BH_data Sets a symmetric BH table to follow.

set_symmetric_BH_table_from_BH_data(this, data) parses and sets this.BH_table_now from the given BH curve, a structure data with the fields B and H.

The method first computes the magnetization M from the given data, then creates a new magnetization curve that is anti-symmetric with respect to the intrinsic coercivity, and then computes the corresponding B values.

.visualize_BH Visualize demagnetization/BH behaviour.

[Bs_test, Hs_test] = visualize_BH(this, Bampls) draws (H, B) traces (numel(Bampls) in total) (magnetization axis only) as B is changed linearly from Br to Bampls(k) and back.

.visualize_lost_remanence Visualize lost remanance.

Visualizes the amount of remanence flux density lost, elementwise, compared to the non-demagnetized case.