Summary for: dxf_text
DXF_TEXT Print text. DXF_TEXT(FID, X, Y, Z, Label) writes text at locations specified by coordinates (X,Y,Z). Label is a cell array containing labels or numeric array.
DXF_TEXT(…, ‘PropertyName’,PropertyValue) allow to set up various text properties. The properties can also be se using DXF_SET routine. In second case, the changes to the text properties are persistent and the following calls to DXF_TEXT routine will use these properties as defaults.
Available properties:
‘TextHeight’ - height of text. ‘TextRotation’ - rotation of text. ‘TextThickness’ - thickness of text. ‘TextAlignment’ - horizontal alignment (0-2). ‘TextVAlignment’ - vertical alignment (0-3). ‘TextExtrusion’ - Extrusion vector. ‘TextObliqueAngle’ - Oblique angle.
See also DXF_SET.