Summary for: FieldWindingSpec < PolyphaseWindingSpec

Class summary

FieldWindingSpec Winding specification object for field-windings.

FieldWindingSpec narrows down the PolyphaseWindingSpec base class to typical field-windings.

For now, two Conductors per pole are assumed, one for each coil side.


.overhang_length Field-winding axial overhang length.

Either equal to this.geometry.coil_width()/2 if defined by the parent geometry, or 0 otherwise.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.get_end_winding_length_per_conductor Field-winding end-turn length.

The value returned is either:

  • the specified end_winding_length_per_conductor property

** equal to 1.36** this.geometry.coil_width() if the parent geometry defines a coil_width method

  • 0 otherwise

.FieldWindingSpec/line_current_matrix is a function.

M = line_current_matrix(this)

.FieldWindingSpec/line_to_line_voltage_matrix is a function.

M = line_to_line_voltage_matrix(this)

.this.layout_matrix = repmat([1 -1], 1, 2*this.p);