Summary for: CircuitSource < handle

Class summary

CircuitSource Base class for circuit sources.

CircuitSource is an abstract base class of circuit sources - general circuits used to supply a PolyphaseCircuit (polyphase_circuit.set_source('circuit', source_object)).

On the problem level, a CircuitSource adds an arbitrary number of extra variables to the problem, related to the parent PolyphaseCircuit. Furthermore, it returns the governing left-hand-side matrices and the right-hand-side load vector.

Both linear and non-linear circuits are supported.

For example, let the parent PolyphaseCircuit have m phases, and the CircuitSource add n extra variables. In the final solution vector, the circuit-related variables are organized as

[any voltage variables; m phase currents; n source variables]

The source is only allowed to ‘see’ the phase currents, meaning the matrices it returns are of size (m+n) x (m+n), and the vectors of size (m+n) x 1.

The circuit end-winding matrix (resistance + inductance damping) is then added to the upper-left corner of the source matrix, before it gets passed to the governing MagneticsProblem.

Note: the number of unknowns n must not change during the course of the simulation. In case this is required, n must equal the largest number of unknowns needed during the entire course of the simulation, and dummy variables used whenever the real number of unknowns is smaller than n .


.circuit - parent PolyphaseCircuit object.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.get_jacobian Return the Jacobian matrix and residuel vector.

[J, res] = get_jacobian(this, problem, type, t, kstep, inds, Xprev, Xiter) returns the Jacobian matrix and residual vector of the CircuitSource. This method is called inside the Newton iteration.

The input arguments include:

  • problem : governing MagneticsProblem
  • type : type of problem, ‘static’, ‘harmonic’, or ‘stepping’
  • t : instantenous time
  • kstep : number of time-step
  • inds : indices to phase-current variables in the solution
  • Xprev : solution at the previos time-step.
  • Xiter : current iterate

.get_matrix Return the linear governing matrix.

S = get_matrix(this, problem, type, t, kstep, inds, Xprev) returns the linear (but generally time-variant) matrix of the CircuitSource matrix. This method is called once every time-step, but not inside the Newton iteration.

The input arguments include:

  • problem : governing MagneticsProblem
  • type : type of problem, ‘static’, ‘harmonic’, or ‘stepping’
  • t : instantenous time
  • kstep : number of time-step
  • inds : indices to phase-current variables in the solution
  • Xprev : solution at the previos time-step.

.get_voltage Return the linear source vector.

U = get_voltage(this, circuit, problem, type, t, kstep, inds, Xprev) returns the linear but time-variant source vector associated with the Source. This method is called once every time-step, before the Newton iteration.

Input arguments as in CircuitSource.get_matrix, with the addition of the CircuitBase object circuit as the second argument.

.ndof Number of unknowns associated with this source.

n = ndof(this) returns the number of extra unknowns associated with this source.

.set_circuit Set parent circuit.

set_circuit(this, circuit) sets the parent PolyphaseCircuit object circuit, and optionally sets circuit.is_linear to false if the source is nonlinear.