Summary for: SlidingAirgap < SlidingAirgapBase

Class summary

SlidingAirgap Sliding airgap model for radial-flux machines.


.SlidingAirgap/displacement_function is a property.

.SlidingAirgap/rotor_angle_now is a property.

.SlidingAirgap/x_displacement is a property.

.SlidingAirgap/y_displacement is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.SlidingAirgap Sliding airgap model for radial-flux machines.

Documentation for SlidingAirgap/SlidingAirgap doc SlidingAirgap

.compute_torque Torque computation method.

[Torque, Force] = compute_torque(this, solution)

.SlidingAirgap/deprecated_init is a function.

.SlidingAirgap/deprecated_triplot is a function.

.SlidingAirgap/fluxplot is a function.

fluxplot(this, A, rotorAngle, potentials)

.SlidingAirgap/get_AGmatrix is a function.

Sag = get_AGmatrix(this, rotorAngle, N, t, varargin)

.SlidingAirgap/get_airgap_meshes is a function.

[msh_static, msh_moving] = get_airgap_meshes(this)

.SlidingAirgap/get_interpolatedMatrix is a function.

[Sint, P] = get_interpolatedMatrix(this, rotorAngle)

.SlidingAirgap/init is a function.

init(this, model, n_bnd_static, n_bnd_moving, varargin)

.SlidingAirgap/p_virt is a function.

p_virt = p_virt(this)

.set_dynamic_eccentricity Set dynamic/general eccentricity.

set_dynamic_eccentricity(this, dfun), where dfun is a function taking as arguments the rotor rotation angle (wm*t) and timestamp t, and returning a 2x1 vector of the rotor displacement.

.set_eccentricity Set constant static eccentricity.

set_eccentricity(this, x, y), where x,y = rotor displacement in meters.

For dynamic/general eccentricity, see this.set_dynamic_eccentricity.

.SlidingAirgap/t_ag is a function.

[a, b, tag] = t_ag(this, rotorAngle, varargin)

.SlidingAirgap/t_const is a function.

t_const = t_const(this)

.SlidingAirgap/t_moving is a function.

t_moving = t_moving(this)

.SlidingAirgap/tag_solution is a function.

A_tag = tag_solution(this, A, rotorAngle, use_fixed)

.transform_force_to_stationary_frame Force transformation.

Fxy = transform_force_to_stationary_frame(this, F, rotor_angle) transforms the force F from rotor coordinates (rotor at angle rotor_angle (mech. rad)) to stator coordinates.

.SlidingAirgap/update_rotor_position is a function.

update_rotor_position(this, rotorAngle, t)