Summary for: AFStatorBase < AxialGeometry

Class summary

AFStatorBase Base class for axial-flux stators


.AFStatorBase/winding is a property.

.AFStatorBase/winding_spec is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.AFStatorBase Base class for axial-flux stators

Documentation for AFStatorBase/AFStatorBase doc AFStatorBase

.end_winding_bundle_radius Used for end-winding inductance


.mean_slot_radius Mean radius of, well, slots.

Defaults to average core diameter.

.sector_angle Angle of smallest symmetry sector.

.slot_angle Angular coordinate of the first slot center line.

.slot_area Cross-sectional area of a single slot.

.slot_orientation Orientation of the slot.

a = slot_orientation(this) returns the slot orientation, e.g. pi/2 (DEFAULT) for a vertical slot with the slot opening ‘down’.

.symmetry_period Symmetry period of geometry.

.AFStatorBase/visualize_radial is a function.

visualize_radial(this, varargin)