Summary for: SimulationParameters

Class summary

SimulationParameters Parameters for MagneticsProblem solutions.


.N_periods - number of electrical periods to simulate

.N_stepsPerPeriod - number of time-steps per electrical period

.alpha2 - time-stepping weight factor (2=implicit Euler, 1=trapezoidal, ]1,2[ = hybrid)

.convergence_tolerance Newton convergence tolerance.

Newton iterations are performed until the relative residual, i.e. the norm of the Newton residual divided by max(norm(load_vector), 1) is strictly smaller than the convergence tolerance.

.f - supply frequency

.maxIter - maximum number of Newton iterations

.maximum_damping_iterations Maximum number of damping iterations.

Number of damping iterations to perform for each Newton step (after the aforedescribed number of regular steps). On each damping step, the step size is halved, until the residual norm strictly decreases or the maximum number is reached.

.maximum_regular_iterations Number of maximum regular iterations.

The maximum number of pure-Newton steps to perform, with the full step size. The count restarts for each time-step, obviously.

.rel - relaxation factor for iterations, default = 1 (no relaxation)

.rotorAngle - rotor angle (bias for stepping analysis, set of angles for static)

.silent - display progress in command line, true/false

.slip - slip

.ts - time-step time-stamps


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.default parameters

Documentation for SimulationParameters/SimulationParameters doc SimulationParameters

.SimulationParameters/dispf is a function.

dispf(this, varargin)

.SimulationParameters/miscpar is a function.

p = miscpar(this, name)