Summary for: dxf_marker
DXF_MARKER Draw a set of markers. DXF_MARKER(FID, markertype, X, Y, Z) writes markers into DXF file. FID is a valid DXFLIB structure created with DXF_OPEN routine. markertype is a valid marker type of the following type: ‘o’ - circle, ‘x’ - x sign, ‘+’ - plus sign, ‘^’ - triangle. X, Y and Z are vectors or matrices of the same size containing coordinates of points in 3D space. The default size of marker is 1.
DXF_MARKER(…, SIZE) allows to specify size of marker(s). If SIZE is a scalar, all markers have the same size according to the SIZE value specified. If SIZE is a matrix of size equal to X, Y or Z, each marker is rescaled according to corresponding SIZE value.