Summary for: NTGridNT < NTGrid
Class summary
FIXME rename P_Cu_DC to P_Cu_total
.NTGridNT/Tgrid is a property.
.NTGridNT/data is a property.
.NTGridNT/interpolants is a property.
.NTGridNT/loss_grid is a property.
.NTGridNT/ngrid is a property.
.NTGridNT/voltage_grid is a property.
Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.
FIXME rename P_Cu_DC to P_Cu_total Documentation for NTGridNT/NTGridNT doc NTGridNT
.NTGridNT/get_efficiency_grid is a function.
[etagrid, electrical_power] = get_efficiency_grid(this, varargin)
.selecting desired interpolant
.efficiency Evaluate efficiency at given points.
.NTGridNT/plot_efficiency_grid is a function.
plot_efficiency_grid(this, varargin)
.NTGridNT/plot_grid is a function.
grid = plot_grid(this, varname, varargin)
.save_efficiency_grid Save efficiency data.
save_efficiency_grid(this, filename)
save_efficiency_grid(this, filename, key, val) with
‘format’, ‘grid’/’columns’ : Output format. Only ‘columns’ supported right now.
‘sheet’, sheet_name : Sheet to save into.
‘range’, rng : Sheet range to save into. Default ‘A1’.
.setup_all Setup NTgrid.
this = setup_all(this, raw_grid)