Summary for: SPM2 < SynRotorBase
Class summary
SPM2 Template for a surface-PM rotor.
Surface-PM rotor geometry with arc magnets.
- inrunner and outrunner geometries
- retaining sleeves
- axially and circumferentially segmented magnets
- Halbach arrays
- custom curvature for the airgap-facing magnet side
- Cooling holes (experimental)
- Rout : airgap-side radius.
- Rin : (OPTIONAL) shaft radius (inrunners) or yoke-side radius (outrunner). parsed from hyr if not given.
- hyr : (OPTIONAL) rotor yoke thickness. Used if Rin not given.
- hpm : magnet thickness
- h_pm_edge : (OPTIONAl) magnet thickness at magnet edge. Default : hpm
- alpha_pm : PM pitch, as a ratio to the pole pitch. In ]0, 1[.
- is_halbach : booleanr, use Halbach array or not.
- h_sleeve : retaining sleeve thickness. OPTIONAL. Default 0.
- number_of_magnet_segments : (OPTIONAL) Number of circumferential magnet segments. Default 1.
- rotor_core_material : rotor core material.
- magnet_material : magnet material.
- rotor_sleeve_material : sleeve material. Only required if h_sleeve > 0.
- shaft_material : (OPTIONAL) Shaft material. Only used in inrunner designs. Not giving the shaft material creates a hollow rotor.
- polegap_material : (OPTIONAL) Material of polegaps for SPM designs. Defaults to Air. For Halbach-array machines, this is the material of the circumferentially magnetized magnets.
Magnet circuit model:
- magnet_circuit_type : (OPTIONAL). “block” (default) or “extruded”, to use axially-segmented magnet model.
- magnet_height : magnet segment height, if axially segmented model.
(OPTIONAL) Circular cooling hole dimensions, inrunners only:
- rotor_cooling_holes_per_pole : number of cooling holes per pole, inside the rotor core.
- rotor_cooling_hole_radius : radius of cooling hole
- rotor_cooling_hole_radial_coordinate : distance of cooling hole center from origin
Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.
.SPM1 Constructor.
this = SPM1(dim)
Initializes the geometry with the dimensions specified in the struct dim .