Summary for: Arc < Curve
Class summary
Arc methods: Arc - is a class. center_from_segment_points - Arc center from three segment points. from_points - Create an Arc from Points. from_points_and_angle - Create arc from two Points and angle. from_segment_points - Create an Arc from three points on it. update_points - start and end points
.Arc/angle_end is a property.
.Arc/angle_span is a property.
.Arc/angle_start is a property.
.Arc/radius is a property.
.type - Type (geo.line or geo.arc)
Help for Arc.type is inherited from superclass Curve
.Arc/xcenter is a property.
Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.
.Arc/Arc is a constructor.
this = Arc(pstart, pcenter, pend) Documentation for Arc/Arc doc Arc
.center_from_segment_points Arc center from three segment points.
P_center = center_from_segment_points(Pstart, Pmid, Pend)
.Arc/check_proxying is a function.
bl = check_proxying(this, c2)
.from_points Create an Arc from Points.
this = from_points(pstart, pcenter, pend) either creates a new Arc, or returns an existing Arc if found.
this = from_points(pstart, pcenter, pend, false) returns an existing Arc, or throws an error if not found.
this = from_points(pstart, pend, whatever) returns the first existing arc connecting points pstart and pend, or throws an error if not found.
[this, direction] = from_points(…) also returns the direction of the Arc: +1 if this.pstart equals the given pstart, -1 otherwise.
.from_points_and_angle Create arc from two Points and angle.
this = from_points_and_angle(Pstart, Pend, arc_angle) creates a new Arc object from the two given Points and the arc opening angle. A new center point is created.
.from_segment_points Create an Arc from three points on it.
this = from_segment_points(Pstart, Pmid, Pend) creates a new Arc between Pstart and Pend, so that it goes over Pmid. A new Point is created for the Arc center.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The function returns a single Arc, between Pstart and Pend. Thus, the Point Pmid does not “belong” to the resulting Arc, and therefore must not be used as start- or end-Point in any other Curve.
Consider creating two Arcs, between Pstart-Pmid and Pmid-Pend if this is necessary.