Summary for: frequency_domain_Bertotti
frequency_domain_Bertotti Compute iron losses with freq-domain Bertotti model.
Call syntax: [Ptot, data] = frequency_domain_Bertotti(solution, key, val) with the following key-value pairs:
- ‘plotting_on’ : plot loss densities? Default false.
Return values: total losses (time-average) and a loss data struct with the following fields:
P_total : average total losses
P_hysteresis : total hysteresis losses
P_eddy : total eddy-current iron losses
P_excess : total excess losses.
P_rotor : total losses in rotor (in elements motor.rotel)
p_hysteresis_elementwise : vector of elementwise hysteresis loss density (W/kg)
(c) 2018 Antti Lehikoinen / Smeklab Ltd