Summary for: DXFtool < handle

Class summary

DXFtool v1.0 for reading and plotting DXF files in Matlab figures. by M.M. Pedersen, Aarhus University, March 2018.

USAGE: dxf = DXFtool(‘filename.dxf’); plots dxf file in current axes/figure (or creates a new figure/axes if none exist)

INPUT: filename of dxf file as a string (may also include path)

OUTPUT: [optional] dxf object. Each entity is stored in a struct in dxf.entites(i), where i is the entity number, containing the following fields: .name: entity type name (string), code 0 .layer: Layer name (string), code 8 .linetype: Line dashing type (string), code 6 .color: Line color (int), code 62 .closed: polygon status: open/closed, code 70 .point: Xp, Yp .poly: vertices X,Y array [n_verts,2] .arc: Xc, Yc, R, begin angle, end angle .circle: Xc, Yc, R .ellipse: Xc, Yc, Xe, Ye, ratio, begin angle, end angle .line: X1, Y1, X2, Y2 .hatch: color data for closed polygons .handle: Matlab graphics handle to plotted entity


  • colored entities (line and hatch color)
  • respects ordering of objects (back to front)
  • supports bulges, open/closed polygons
  • line dashing


  • more entities: DIMENSION, 3D…
  • propor handling of splines (currently piecewise linear)
  • line weight

Some modifications by Antti Lehikoinen / Smeklab Ltd, 2021.


.divisions - points along nonlinear entities (circles, arcs, bulges, ellipses)

.entities - struct array of entities

.filename - path/filename of DXF file

.~= (NE) Not equal relation for handles.

Handles are equal if they are handles for the same object and are unequal otherwise.

H1 ~= H2 performs element-wise comparisons between handle arrays H1 and H2. H1 and H2 must be of the same dimensions unless one is a scalar. The result is a logical array of the same dimensions, where each element is an element-wise equality result.

If one of H1 or H2 is scalar, scalar expansion is performed and the result will match the dimensions of the array that is not scalar.

TF = NE(H1, H2) stores the result in a logical array of the same dimensions.

See also DXFTOOL, DXFTOOL/EQ, DXFTOOL/GE, DXFTOOL/GT, DXFTOOL/LE, DXFTOOL/LT Help for DXFtool/ne is inherited from superclass handle


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.construct dxf object

Documentation for DXFtool/DXFtool doc DXFtool

.DXFtool/list is a function.


.getting **plot** started