Summary for: CurveAnnotation < AnnotationBase

Class summary

CurveAnnotation Class for curve annotations.

A class for annotating Curves.

this = CurveAnnotation(txt, curve) created an annotation associated with the given curve, with the the given text txt.

this = CurveAnnotation(txt, P1, P2) creates a new Line between the Points P1 and P2.

this = CurveAnnotation(txt, P1, Pcenter, P2) creates a new Arc instead.

By default, the text is shown anchored to the midpoint between the Curve start- and end-points. Setting the this.loc property to another Point uses that point instead.


.HorizontalAlignment Horizontal alignment of the text.

Passed to Matlab’s text function.

.VerticalAlignment Vertical alignment of the text.

Passed to Matlab’s text function.

.loc Textbox anchor point.

Empty by default, in which case the curve pseudo-center (in case of Arcs) is used.

.parent_curve Parent curve

The parent curve to annotate.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.get_text_location Get text box location.

.parse_inputs Parse given inputs.