
This page presents an overview of how EMDtool solves electromagnetic problems using finite element analysis. It is good reading for a regular user, and pretty much must-to-read for anybody planning to implement new functionality. Basic knowledge of electromagnetic FEA is useful.

Matrix form of the underlying problem

This section describes the matrix equations (e.g. the discretized form of Maxwell’s equations to be solved) solved.

Linear magnetostatics

In a textboox linear 2D magnetostatic example, one would solve a matrix equation

\(\mathbf{S} \mathbf{a} = \mathbf{f}\),

where \(\mathbf{a}\) is the vector of nodal potentials (i.e. the amplitudes of the z-directional vector potential) and \(\mathbf{f}\) is the load vector due to currents and permanent magnets. Finally, \(\mathbf{S}\) is the matrix commonly called the stiffness matrix - thanks to the history of FEA in mechanics and linear elasticity - even though the term reluctivity matrix would be more appropriate.

Realistic magnetostatics

Unfortunately, the simplest case is not really sufficient for most real-life purposes. Instead, we have several more advanced features to handle:

  • Motion of the rotor(s)

  • Nonlinear behaviour of iron

  • Time-dependence

  • Different kinds of circuits

The following subsections briefly describe how each of these is handled mathematically. Then, the specifics of their implementation in EMDtool is described in the next Section.


The kind of motion that happens in electrical machines - rigid bodies moving, separated by an airgap - if relatively straightforward to model in finite element analysis. Indeed, the stiffness matrix is split into two parts:

\[\mathbf{S} := \mathbf{S}_\text{static} + \mathbf{S}_\text{ag} .\]

The matrix \(\mathbf{S}_\text{static}\) on the right-hand-side denotes the stiffness matrix for the rigid components - like the stator and rotor. Correspondingly, \(\mathbf{S}_\text{ag}\) is the airgap matrix, i.e. stiffness matrix for the airgap part.

This splitting-type approach is very practical from the implementation point of view. The stator(s) and rotor(s) can be meshed separately and only once - their mesh does not change due to motion. Furthermore, they can be modelled as though they were stationary - with no changes to their mesh, and no motion-induced voltage terms to their governing equations (let alone material derivatives).

Nonlinear behaviour of iron

Ferromagnetic materials generally behave in a nonlinear fashion. On the matrix-equation level, this means that the stiffness matrix \(\mathbf{S}\) depends on the vector potential \(\mathbf{a}\), and the system of equations becomes

\[\mathbf{S} \left(\mathbf{a} \right) \mathbf{a} = \mathbf{f} .\]

The approach used in EMDtool is to define the residual

\[\mathbf{r} = \mathbf{f} - \mathbf{S} \left(\mathbf{a} \right) \mathbf{a}\]

and then solve the equation

\[\mathbf{r} = \mathbf{0}\]

iteratively with the Newton’s method:

\(\mathbf{a}^{k+1} = \mathbf{a}^k - \left(\mathbf{J}^k\right)^{-1} \mathbf{r}^k\).

Here, the superscript k is used to denote the number of iteration. The matrix \(\mathbf{J}\) is the Jacobian matrix of the residual vector \(\mathbf{r}\).

Click here to read more about how Jacobians are handled in EMDtool.


The term ‘time-dependent’ is tricky, as different authors may mean different things by it. For instance, it can mean

  • The rotor(s) rotating, i.e. their angular position changing with time

  • The excitation (e.g. terminal currents) changing with time

  • Damping due to induced currents/voltages (or rate-dependent hysteresis, or similar).

On the equation level, the last bullet point introduces a new matrix commonly called the mass matrix \(\mathbf{M}\) to our governing equation:

\[\mathbf{S} \mathbf{a} + \mathbf{M} \frac{\text{d}\mathbf{a}}{\text{d}t} = \mathbf{f}.\]
  • NOTE: The electromagnetic part of motor-problems is almost exclusively handled with the so-called quasi-static approach, meaning there are no second-order time-derivatives thanks to the exclusion of the displacement current term. For time-dependent motion, introducing the velocity as an additional variable will again yield a first-order system.

The first two bullets - motion and excitation - are handled by updating the airgap matrix and the load vector accordingly.

Finally, to actually solve the time-dependent equation, a simple solution is to use the implicit Euler method

\[\mathbf{a}^{k+1} = \left( \mathbf{S} + \frac{1}{\Delta t} \mathbf{M} \right)^{-1} \left( \mathbf{f}^{k+1} + \frac{1}{\Delta t} \mathbf{M} \mathbf{a}^{k} \right) .\]

Note that in this context the superscript k is used to denote the time-step, while \(\Delta t\) is the length of the step.

For improved accuracy, the trapezoidal method can also be used, at the cost of stability. Hybrid methods are also possible.


There are a large number of possible circuit types in 2D analysis. Fortunately, they can all be expressed in the same general form.

Indeed, all circuits can introduce extra unknowns into the problem, on top of the vector potential \(\mathbf{a}\). As these unknowns appear - mathematically speaking - as constraints, let us denote them by \(\mathbf{c}\). The physical meaning of the constraints is often either net currents, a combination of currents and voltages, or the discretized electric scalar potential in the most general case.

Regardless of the physical meaning, our vector of unknowns is now replaced by a vector of two distinct parts

\(\mathbf{a} \rightarrow \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{a} \\ \mathbf{c} \end{bmatrix} := \mathbf{x}\).

Correspondingly, the linear system of equations would now re-written as

\(\begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{S} + \mathbf{S}_\text{aa} & \mathbf{S}_\text{ac} \\ \mathbf{S}_\text{ca} & \mathbf{S}_\text{cc} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{a} \\ \mathbf{c} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathbf{f}_\text{a} \\ \mathbf{f}_\text{c} \end{bmatrix}\).

In other words, the system is split into pure-magnetics part (subscript \(\text{aa}\)), pure-constraint part (subscript \(\text{cc}\)), and their mutual coupling (subscripts \(\text{ac}\) and \(\text{ca}\)). Naturally, the same splitting is applied to the mass matrix \(\mathbf{M}\).

Please note that the upper-left block also contains the pure-magnetics stiffness matrix \(\mathbf{S}\), in turn consisting of the static and airgap parts.

Click here to read more about how circuits are handled in EMDtool.

Putting it all together

A typical electrical machine problem includes all of the above features. To recap:

  • The machine rotates, with the airgap matrix \(\mathbf{S}_\text{ag}\) changing at each time-step

  • The problem is nonlinear

  • There are circuits coupled with the problem.

Thus, the problem is solved via time-stepping, where each step forms a nonlinear problem solved with the Newton’s method.

For the computer doing the crunching, there are of course just matrices involved. But, for us regular humans, it is slightly easier to conceptually split the problem into the magnetic and constraint parts as described above. In a typical case, the circuit connections are linear and time-invariant, in which case the Jacobian matrix is only formed for the upper-left corner block of the system. However, EMDtool does support experimental nonlinear circuits, in which case the \(\mathbf{S}_\text{cc}\) matrix is replaced by the corresponding circuit-Jacobian.

How things are organized in EMDtool

This section will go through how all the above aspects are handled in EMDtool, and more.

You may have already read the EMDtool briefly page, which covers the user parts of the typical analysis workflow. Now, this section will go more into detail on the implementation side.

1. A MagneticsProblem is initialized

A MagneticsProblem (call it problem) is initialized, taking as input a model of type MotorModelBase (call it model).

All circuits - subclasses of the CircuitBase are initialized for the problem. As there can be several Circuits, a container object of the CircuitBase class is instantiated to take care of interfacing with the circuits (and can be accessed at problem.circuits).

The load vector due to (time-independent, non-demagnetizable) permanent magnets is assembled (problem.set_load_vector()). Boundary condition matrix is assembled (problem.set_boundary_matrix()).

2. Analysis is run

This section describes how analysis is then run inside EMDtool. For maximum generality, a time-stepping (transient) model is considered.

The analysis can be split into two parts: initializations and time-stepping.

2.1. Initializations

Before the actual stepping, several initialization steps are performed.

Solution is initialized

A MagneticsSolution object (call it solution) of the correct subclass is initialized. This object will later contain the actual numerical solution array.

Furthermore, the solution will know the problem it is associated with and thus the model, and also know the SimulationParameters that are used for this run.

Circuits are initialized

The circuits are initialized for this analysis run by calling the .init_for_simulation method of problem.circuits, using the solution as an argument. The CircuitSet then calls the .init_for_simulation method of all the Circuits.

Circuit matrices are assembled

The linear and time-invariant part (which is usually all there is) of the circuit matrices are assembled by calling the .get_matrices() methof of the problem.circuits. The CircuitSet then, in turn, calls the .get_matrices method of all its Circuits, and stacks the returned matrices together.

Jacobian constructor is initialized

A MagneticsJacobian object is instantiated to construct the Jacobian matrix for the problem. Click here to read mode.

The constructor then instantiates a MaterialSet object to interface with the Materials in model.materials, and also pre-computes the values of FE shape and test functions at the Gaussian quadrature points.

Finally, the constructor queries the MaterialSet whether or not all the materials are “symmetric”, i.e. return a symmetric differential reluctivity tensor. Isotropic anhysteretic materials are, while others generally aren’t. Symmetric materials slightly speed up the assembly time of the Jacobian. If needed, unsymmetric behaviour can be forced via an input flag.

2.2 Time-stepping is run

The actual time-stepping can also be divided into further steps. Here, we assume the initial condition has already been computed with problem.solve_harmonic or problem.solve_quasistatic.

Quantities are updates for the time-step

Two basic steps are needed.

1: The airgap matrix is updated with model.get_AGmatrix.

2: Load vector is updated. This consists three parts:

  1. Updating the contribution of the previous time-step (the \(\frac{1}{\Delta t} \mathbf{M} \mathbf{x}^{k}\) part)

  2. Adding the constant PM contribution

  3. Adding the contribution of the circuits, by calling this.circuits.set_load, in turn calling the identically-named method of all Circuits.

Additionally, if there are any time-variant but linear circuits in the model, the corresponding circuit matrices are updated here.

The nonlinear problem is solved

Next, the solution vector for the next time-step is solved with the Newton’s method. At each iterate, the Jacobian matrix is updated by calling the eval method of the constructor.

Additionally, if there are any non-linear circuits in the model, the corresponding circuit matrices are updated at each iteration.

2.3 Solution is returned

After all time-steps, the newly-computed solution array is added to the solution (the solution.raw_solution property), and the solution object is returned.

3. Results are post-processed

Finally, interesting outputs are computed from the returned solution. Common examples include

  • A summary of results by calling model.results_summary(solution)

  • Flux plot with model.plot_flux(solution)

  • Torque and net forces on the rotor(s) with model.compute_torque(solution)

  • Iron losses and their visualization with MaterialBase.losses(solution)

  • Circuit losses and their visualization with some_circuit.losses(solution)

  • Several PolyphaseCircuit waveforms:

    • phase_circuit.phase_flux_linkage(solution)
    • phase_circuit.terminal_voltage(solution)

Note: apart from the visualizations, all these are generally included in the summary returned by model.results_summary.