Summary for: get_materialData
get_materialData Get material data struct.
data = get_materialData(matId) returns a struct containing at least the following fields of physical quantities in SI units:
- name : material name or matId
- B, H : BH curve
- properties : a struct, see below .
as well as the following fields intended for simulation-specific use
- elements : a placeholder array for use with meshes
- plot_args : Default plotting arguments
The properties struct has the following fields
- coeffs : iron loss coefficients (hysteresis, eddy, excess) as (W/kg) at 1 T and 50 Hz
- rho : Density
- sigma : Electrical conductivity at 20C
- alpha_sigma : Temperature coefficient for 1/sigma (p.u. per K)
- lambda : Thermal conductivity
- Br : remanence flux density (PM materials)
- alpha_Br : remanence temperature coefficient (p.u. per K)
- mur : relative recoil permeability (PM materials)
matId can either be a string pointing to a material data csv file, or a number corresponding to the materials in get_defaultMaterials
Copyright (c) 2016 Antti Lehikoinen / Aalto University
(c) 2019 Antti Lehikoinen / Smeklab