Summary for: compute_inductances_static_averaging
compute_inductances_static_averaging Inductanc computation.
[Phi_PM, LM, R, LM_ew] = compute_inductances_static_averaging(problem, idq, angles, key, val), where
problem : a MagneticsProblem
idq : a 2x1 vector of the operating point (id, iq)
angles : a vector of electrical angles (radians) to average/compute the results over.
Key-value pair arguments:
mode : “frozen permeability” (default) or “differential”
use_existing : use existing solution? See next bullet. Default false.
solution_to_use : “static” (default) or “stepping”
transform_to_star : transform parameters to equivalent star connection. Default true.
average_results : average inductances and flux linkages over angles. Default true.