Summary for: MotorModelBase < Indexable

Class summary

MotorModelBase Base class for magnetics models.

Default construction:

motor = MotorModelBase(dimensions, stator, rotor), with

Detailed construction:

motor = MotorModelBase(dimensions);

motor.add_component(c1, component_name);

motor.add_component(c2, component_name);

motor.add_component(c3, component_name);

motor.add_airgap(static_part, moving_part);




.MotorModelBase/Ne_component is a property.

.MotorModelBase/Np_component is a property.

.PMs - permanent magnets

.airgap - airgap container

.MotorModelBase/boundaries is a property.

.build_factor_for_iron_losses Iron loss build factor

Correction coefficient for iron losses. Only used (by default) inside this.results_summary, multiplying summary.total_iron_losses.


.build_factor_for_winding_losses Phase winding loss build factor

Correction coefficient for winding losses. Only used (by default) inside this.results_summary, multiplying summary.total_(phase_circuit_name)_losses.


.circuits - circuits

.components - geometries making up this

.materials - materials

.MotorModelBase/mesh is a property.

.MotorModelBase/periodicityCoeff is a property.

.MotorModelBase/ri_component is a property.

.rotor - array of moving components

.stator - array of static components

.MotorModelBase/symmetrySectors is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.MotorModelBase/add_component is a function.

add_component(this, name, component, varargin)

.add_gap Add airgap.

See AirgapContainer.add_gap

.compute_torque Computes torque

T = compute_torque(this, solution)

Computes torque associated with the MagneticsSolution solution.

T is of size number_of_airgaps x number_of_steps

.finalizing mesh part

.MotorModelBase/get_AGmatrix is a function.

S = get_AGmatrix(this, rotorAngle, varargin)

.MotorModelBase/global_element_indices is a function.

is = global_element_indices(this, is, component)

.MotorModelBase/global_node_indices is a function.

ns = global_node_indices(this, ns, component)

.MotorModelBase/initialize_airgap is a function.


.MotorModelBase/mass is a function.

[m, m_domain, m_mat] = mass(this)

.plot_flux Plot flux density.

plot_flux(this, solution)

plot_flux(this, solution, args)

plot_flux(this, solution, steps_to_plot)

plot_flux(this, solution, steps_to_plot, args), where


  • ‘plot_airgap’ : plot airgap flux density (if this.airgap has a method fluxplot ). true/ false (Default: true).

.MotorModelBase/plot_raw_airgap_flux is a function.

plot_raw_airgap_flux(this, Araw, rotor_angle, potentials, varargin)

.results_summary Summary of analysis results.

results = results_summary(this, solution) returns a structure.

results_summary(this, solution) prints the summary to command prompt.

results = results_summary(this, solution, ‘verbose’, true) returns a structure AND prints the results to the command line.

The output (structure) contains information like input and output power, summary of stator.winding terminal quantities, sum and breakdown of iron losses, and sum and breakdown of losses in all circuits / conducting bodies.

Interesting output quantities include:

  • torque_mean : Mean torque (radial-flux only)

  • shaft_power : radial-flux only

  • total_losses : self-evident

  • efficiency : from shaft power and total losses

  • input_power_from_power_balance : shaft power plus total losses

  • input_power_from_terminal_waveforms : Does not contain post-processed loss quantities (typically iron losses, some non-enabled circuits).

.MotorModelBase/rotel is a function.

els = rotel(this)

.set_outer_boundary Set outer boundary.

set_outer_boundary(this, bnd_1, bnd_2, …)

Set the given Boundary objects as outer (flux insulation) boundaries.

.to_plot_frame Transform coordinates to the plot frame.

See GeoBase.to_plot_frame for the syntax.

.VISUALIZE Visualize geometry.

visualize(this, key, val), with:

  • ‘linestyle’ : line style for mesh. Default ‘none’

  • ‘plot_ag’ : plot airgap mesh. Default false.

  • ‘plot_axial’ : plot axial view. Default false.

  • ‘plot_nodes’ : plot boundary nodes. Default false.

.MotorModelBase/visualize_axial is a function.

visualize_axial(this, varargin)

.MotorModelBase/visualize_radial is a function.

visualize_radial(this, varargin)