Summary for: CircuitBase < Indexable

Class summary

CircuitBase Abstract base class for finite-element Circuits.

Use one of the subclasses to instantiate an object. Common examples include

Use the add_conductor method to add conductors to this.


.CircuitBase/conductors is a property.

.CircuitBase/data is a property.

.enabled - FIXME persistence / consistence issues

.CircuitBase/is_linear is a property.

.CircuitBase/is_time_invariant is a property.

.matrices - struct for containing circuit matrices

.CircuitBase/source is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.add_conductor Add conductor to circuit.

this = add_conductor(this, conductor, (type))

Adds the Domain or Conductor object conductor to this Circuit. If conductor is a Domain, a new Conductor object is created.

Type is an optional arguments, either def.solid for a solid conductor (default) or defs.stranded for stranded.

.conductor_active_length Active length of each conductor.

l = conductor_active_length(this) returns 1 x number_of_conductors array of active lengths.

.half_of_turn_length Return effective length.

.ew_length_per_conductor Return EW length.

Usually equal to 0, unless an end-winding is modelled.

.filling_factor Conductor filling factor.

.finalize_after_simulation Post-simulation callback function.

finalize_after_simulation(this, solution)

.get_matrices Return FE-and circuit matrices.

[Saa, Maa, Sac, Mac, Sca, Mca, Scc, Mcc] = get_matrices(this, problem, type), where

  • Saa : stiffness-like FE matrix

  • Maa : mass-FE matrix

  • Sac : stiffness-like coupling from circuit variables to FE variables.

  • Mac : damping-like (d/dt) coupling from circuit variables to FE variables.

  • Sca : stiffness-like coupling from FE to circuit.

  • Mca : damping-like coupling from FE to circuit.

  • Scc : stiffness-like circuit-circuit coupling.

  • Mcc : damping-like circuit-circuit coupling.

.get_ndof Number of dofs associated with the circuit, for the given

problem and type.

Nui = get_ndof(this, problem, type, pars), where

  • problem = MagneticsProblem or similar

  • type = string, usually “static” / “harmonic” / “stepping”

.handle_latest_copies Object array method.

When called on an array of Circuit objects, this method calls the handle_latest_copies method on each individual Circuit.

.handle_latest_copies1 Method for handling geometry


This method is called any time the elementary geometry is replicated for a new sector/segment. By default, the latest copies of the Domains associated with this circuit are added as new Conductors.

This method works for a single Circuit object only, i.e. it cannot be called on an object array. See this.handle_latest_copies

.indices_to_average_losses_over Indices for loss averaging.

inds = indices_to_average_losses_over(solution) returns

  • the indices to the last period of the analysed solution (solution.raw_solution(:, inds) if strictly more than one period have been analysed.

  • indices to the last 90 % of the analysed time, otherwise

.init Init circuit for problem.

c = init(this, problem)

Returns: c : Circuit-like object initialized for the problem. Typically a handle to this.

.init_for_simulation Init Circuit for simulation.

init_for_simulation(this, problem, type, pars)

.losses Circuit losses.

[W_mean, loss_data] = losses(this, solution)

[W_mean, loss_data] = losses(this, solution, varargin), where

  • W_mean : average total losses (W).

  • loss_data : loss breakdowns and other data, depending on CircuitBase subclass type. Structure.

By default, all loss information is computed for the entire geometry, not just symmetry-section. This also applies to per-conductor losses, so e.g. the losses in the “first damper bar” actually mean “the sum of the losses in the first damper bar of all poles”.

For losses in typical 2D solid conductors (e.g. BlockCircuit, SheetCircuit, CageCircuit), see compute_SolidConductorLosses.

.set_dof_bias Set index of first circuit variable in global


set_dof_bias(this, n) sets the relative position of the circuit within all circuits in the model. Specifically, given a MagneticsSolution object solution, the first circuit variable is found at solution.raw_solution(solution.problem.Np + n, :)

.set_load Increment load vector of FE problem.

F = set_load(this, F, type, varargin)

Add to load-contribution from this to F.

.CircuitBase/set_parent is a function.

set_parent(this, parent)

.stacking_factor Stacking factor of circuit conductors.

f = stacking_factor(this) returns the stacking factor (usually <= 1) of the conductor materials in this circuit. Generally, the stacking factor could be used to consider the effect of slightly-shorter-than-core magnets or similar.

The base class implementation parses the stacking factor from the Materials belonging to the Domains of the Conductors in this circuit. Uniform stacking across the entire circuit is assumed, i.e. only a single value is returned.