Summary for: GeoHelper < handle

Class summary

GeoHelper methods: GeoHelper - is a class. find_curve - GeoHelper.find_curve is a function. get_curve_by_name - GeoHelper.get_curve_by_name is a function. get_curves - get_lines Get all Curves of Entity get_points - GeoHelper.get_points is a function. get_surfaces - GeoHelper.get_surfaces is a function. mirror_surface - unique points parse_characteristic_length - Parse characteristic lengths for a geometry. remove_duplicate_points - GeoHelper.remove_duplicate_points is a function. sort_curves - GeoHelper.sort_curves is a function. transformed_curve - GeoHelper.transformed_curve is a function.



Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.GeoHelper/GeoHelper is a constructor.

obj = GeoHelper Documentation for GeoHelper/GeoHelper doc GeoHelper

.GeoHelper.find_curve is a function.

cs = GeoHelper.find_curve(entity, name)

.GeoHelper.get_curve_by_name is a function.

ls = GeoHelper.get_curve_by_name(entity, name)

.get_lines Get all Curves of Entity

.GeoHelper.get_points is a function.

ps = GeoHelper.get_points(entity)

.GeoHelper.get_surfaces is a function.

ss = GeoHelper.get_surfaces(entity)

.unique points

.parse_characteristic_length Parse characteristic lengths for a geometry.

parse_characteristic_length(geometry, lcar_max, lcar_min) traverses all Points P in geometry, and then sets the characteristic length of P to min(lcar_max, max(lshortest, lcar_min)) where lshortest is the shortest non-degenerate Curve attached to P

  • If called with 2 arguments only, lcar_min is set to 0.
  • Only Points with a non-specified characteristic length are affected.

.GeoHelper.remove_duplicate_points is a function.


.GeoHelper.sort_curves is a function.

cs = GeoHelper.sort_curves(entity, name, direction, coordinate_system)

.GeoHelper.transformed_curve is a function.

lnew = GeoHelper.transformed_curve(cold, point_map)