Summary for: Nedelec2D < handle

Class summary

Nedelec2D class for 2D Nedelec shape functions.


.Nedelec2D/op is a property.


Class methods are listed below. Inherited methods are not included.

.Nedelec2D class for 2D Nedelec shape functions.

Documentation for Nedelec2D/Nedelec2D doc Nedelec2D

.eval Evaluate global shape function.

Call syntax w = this.eval(k, xref, msh, elements) or w = this.eval(k, xref, msh, F, detF, elements)

.eval_ref Evaluate in reference element.

Call syntax wref = this.eval_ref(k, xref, ~), where k = number of edge, in [1,3] xref = coordinate in reference element.

Refence: “Fast MATLAB assembly of FEM matrices in 2D and 3D: Edge elements”

.getData get shape function and element data.

Call syntax [Nf, order, Nvars] = this.getData(msh), where Nf = number of shape functions per reference element order = order of shape functions Nvars = number of dofs in entire mesh.

.getIndices Get indices of DoFs.

Call syntax inds = this.getIndices(k, msh) inds = this.getIndices(k, msh, elements), where k = number of reference shape function.